Your new go-to blog about giftedness
It's great to have you here. I'm excited to welcome you into The Smart Rebel world. This is where you'll find your weekly dosis of inspiration and actionable insights related to giftedness. As you might relate to, my head is constantly overflowing with ideas for projects and I have notebooks full of writing that I'd love to share with you. This blog will be a home for those nuggets of inspiration.
Bringing in the positivity
When I had just found out I was gifted, somewhere in my late teens, I remember spending hours and hours googling to try and find more information about it. These days, it's not hard to find websites that tell you more about the 'symptoms' of giftedness. And I do remember finding a few pages focused on the topic of gifted education. What stood out to me, however, was how tricky it was - and still is - to find websites or blogs that don't 'medicalize' giftedness, or problematize it as an abnormality that needs to be minimized, fixed, adapted, or somehow 'dealt with' (in Dutch: 'omgaan met hoogbegaafdheid'). It's a lot of this 'learning how to live with it' kind of energy, which I often find more harmful than helpful.
My intention for this blog is to counterbalance that air of negativity with uplifting, inspiring content that celebrates giftedness. Because after all, giftedness is a gift. It's a wonderful thing to have received, for which I am grateful every single day. And it's a sentiment I would like to pass onto you.
So.. Let's celebrate!
Here's to celebrating giftedness. I hope you'll join me in this celebration.
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I'd love to learn a bit about you too. So please go ahead and introduce yourself in the comment section below. Have you recently found out that you're gifted, have you known about it for some time already, or are you in the midst of figuring it all out? Do you agree with me that giftedness is often framed as a 'problem' instead of as a gift?